Total monthly rainfall: 0.5 millimetres. Maximum daily rainfall 0.5 millimetres on 26th July. There was one day when measurable rain fell, and 9 days when cloud-cover was 100% for at least part of the day.
Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 38C on July 19th, and on the coldest day was 16C on July 1st. The strongest wind was July 1st, when it reached force 5.
There were 5 new wildflower species to add to the 53 already seen. On July 2nd woody nightshade was discovered growing in a drainage ditch, while on the 9th knapweed began flowering in large numbers. On July 12th water mint started flowering around the lake, and in the woodland foxgloves bloomed on July 16th. Finally teasel bloomed in the ride on July 30th.
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