Total monthly rainfall: 14.5 millimetres. Maximum daily rainfall: 3.5 millimetres (3rd and 7th January)
There were 8 days when measurable rain fell, and 18 days when cloud-cover was 100% for at least part of the day. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 15C on January 1st. Maximum temperature on the coldest day was 4C on January 20th. Overnight frost occurred on 11 nights leading up to the 5th,6th, 9th, 10th, 13th,14th,15th,17th,18th 21st,22nd, with fog on the 13th,14th,15th and 20th.
Wildflowers for the month began with white and red deadnettle, lesser periwinkle, feverfew, common daisy, and Canadian fleabane on the 1st January and carried on from last year. These were followed by snowdrops on the 18th. On the 3rd we noticed a strong growth of honeysuckle leaves in the ancient semi-natural woodland, while on the 19th we discovered hazel catkins releasing pollen onto tiny red flowers.
A starling murmuration A starling murmuration
Hazel catkins Hazel catkins
Jay on feeder Jay on feeder
Mammal activity noticed was rabbits and grey squirrels in the wood on the 1st, and 4 wood mice beneath one of the 10 reptile shelters along our ride. and
Wild birds observed during the month are as follows:
1 to 3: Wren, dunnock, grey heron, great spotted woodpecker, jay, (1st Jan) . Buzzard (5th), Red kite (8th) Cormorant (13Th) Pheasant (17th) Grey-lag goose (27th). Tawny owl, pied wagtail, green woodpecker. Collared dove (30th)
4 to 10: House sparrow, chaffinch, coal tit, robin, jackdaw, magpie, moorhen, goldfinch, blue tit, great tit (1st). Black headed gulls (12th). Canada geese (15th)11 and over: Common crows (1st), wood pigeon (1st), mallards (1st), starlings (1st). Common gulls (4th)