Take part in this survey to help Kent Wildlife Trust understand wildlife declines:
Recent scientific research has shown that in Europe, flying insects have declined by 75%. In the UK, we don’t have the data to assess this trend for most insect groups, but we do know that many are in decline here too. These are very worrying statistics, not only for insects but also for the huge number plants and animals (including humans) that depend on them for food, pollination and other essential functions. We need to act now to understand what is happening to them and work towards a Wilder Kent.
By counting the insects that get squished on the number plate of your car, you can help us assess the insect trends and the productivity of ecosystems in Kent. You can contribute on any journey you take within the county between June and September 2019. Any journey within Kent will give us valuable data – simply driving to work or school is perfect. Shorter journeys are especially useful and will help us understand the differences in insect numbers in different parts of the county.
To find out more, visit https://www.kentwildlifetrust.org.uk/get-involved/our-projects/natures-sure-connected