Mote Park Bioblitz

Saturday 9th August Mote Park Bioblitz. 10am to 4.30pm. Organised by Kent Field Club in association with the team at Mote Park, with the aim of recording as many species as possible within a 24-hour period - as well as interesting the wider pubic in the site and its wildlife.

We will be collecting records all day in a number of key target areas in this diverse urban park, which incliudes wetland habitats, wet woodland, grassland and veteran trees. Join for part or all of day.

One of a number of urban sites being visited this year to tie in with the theme of this year's Kent Wildlife Conference.

Meet in the Meeting Room next to the cafe TQ 77312 55194. Parking charges apply.

Leader: Sue Skipp.

Event Properties

Event Date 09-08-2025
Price Free

Our Programme

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Come along!

Kent Field Club field visits and indoor winter meetings are free to members (except the annual Wildlife Conference). 

Anyone thinking of joining the Club is welcome to attend a field meeting, no prior notice is necessary.

All field meetings start at 10.30am unless otherwise indicated.

What to bring

Field Meetings information

Beginners to a particular field of study are very welcome at all meetings. Also anyone thinking of joining the Club is welcome to attend a field meeting, no prior notice is necessary. Kent Field Club field visits and indoor winter meetings are free to members (except the annual Wildlife Conference)

Please bring a packed lunch to all full day meetings. All field meetings start at 10.30am unless otherwise indicated.

Stay safe on field meetings:

  • Dress appropriately for the weather. Stay warm and dry in Winter, cool in Summer.
  • Wear strong, waterproof boots with good ankle support and well-treaded soles.
  • Carry, and use, a high SPF sun cream in bright weather.
  • Ensure your tetanus inoculations are up-to-date.
  • In Summer, carry plentiful supplies of water and drink frequently.

Members are reminded that all who attend meetings of the Club do so at their own risk.

docxRisk Assessment for Field Meetings