Sandwich Bay

Sandwich Bay for fungi and general recording. Meet at TR357590, Car Park, Princes Drive. NB.

Email by Friday 24th November with your vehicle registration for a free parking pass. Any last minute participants will need to pay the full toll charge.

Leader: Joyce Pitt.

Event Properties

Event Date 25-11-2023
Price Free
Location Sandwich Bay

Location Map

Our Programme

September   2024
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Come along!

Kent Field Club field visits and indoor winter meetings are free to members (except the annual Wildlife Conference). 

Anyone thinking of joining the Club is welcome to attend a field meeting, no prior notice is necessary.

All field meetings start at 10.30am unless otherwise indicated.

What to bring

Field Meetings information

Beginners to a particular field of study are very welcome at all meetings. Also anyone thinking of joining the Club is welcome to attend a field meeting, no prior notice is necessary. Kent Field Club field visits and indoor winter meetings are free to members (except the annual Wildlife Conference)

Please bring a packed lunch to all full day meetings. All field meetings start at 10.30am unless otherwise indicated.

Stay safe on field meetings:

  • Dress appropriately for the weather. Stay warm and dry in Winter, cool in Summer.
  • Wear strong, waterproof boots with good ankle support and well-treaded soles.
  • Carry, and use, a high SPF sun cream in bright weather.
  • Ensure your tetanus inoculations are up-to-date.
  • In Summer, carry plentiful supplies of water and drink frequently.

Members are reminded that all who attend meetings of the Club do so at their own risk.

docxRisk Assessment for Field Meetings